The ErrorBoundary Component is Not Displaying in the Blazor App: A Troubleshooting Guide
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The ErrorBoundary Component is Not Displaying in the Blazor App: A Troubleshooting Guide

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Are you struggling to get the ErrorBoundary component to display in your Blazor app? You’re not alone! This critical component is essential for catching and displaying errors in your application, but sometimes it can be finicky. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the common reasons why the ErrorBoundary component might not be displaying and provide step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Understanding the ErrorBoundary Component

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s take a quick look at what the ErrorBoundary component is and how it works. The ErrorBoundary component is a built-in Blazor component that catches and displays errors that occur in your application. It’s a crucial component that helps you provide a better user experience by handling errors gracefully and providing useful error messages.


Common Reasons Why the ErrorBoundary Component is Not Displaying

Now that we have a basic understanding of the ErrorBoundary component, let’s explore some common reasons why it might not be displaying in your Blazor app:

  • Incorrect placement of the ErrorBoundary component
  • Missing or incorrect configuration of the ErrorBoundary component
  • Overriding the ErrorBoundary component with a custom error handling mechanism
  • Incompatible or outdated Blazor version
  • Invalid or malformed HTML in the application
  • JS interop issues

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve identified some common reasons why the ErrorBoundary component might not be displaying, let’s walk through some troubleshooting steps to help you fix the issue:

Step 1: Check the Placement of the ErrorBoundary Component

Make sure the ErrorBoundary component is placed correctly in your application. It should be wrapped around the component that you want to catch errors for. For example:

        <p>An error occurred: @ ErrorMessage</p>

In this example, the ErrorBoundary component is wrapped around the MyComponent component. If an error occurs in MyComponent, the ErrorBoundary component will catch it and display the error message.

Step 2: Check the Configuration of the ErrorBoundary Component

Make sure the ErrorBoundary component is configured correctly. Check that you have provided a valid error content template and that it’s correctly wired up to the ErrorMessage property:

        @foreach (var error in Errors)

@code {
    private List<Exception> Errors { get; set; } = new List<Exception>();

    protected override void OnErrorOccurred(ErrorEventArgs e)

In this example, the ErrorBoundary component is configured to display a list of error messages. The OnErrorOccurred method is overridden to add errors to the Errors list and call StateHasChanged to update the UI.

Step 3: Check for Custom Error Handling Mechanisms

Check if you have overridden the default error handling mechanism with a custom implementation. If you have, make sure it’s correctly configured and not overriding the ErrorBoundary component. For example:

public class CustomErrorBoundary : ComponentBase
    protected override void OnErrorOccurred(ErrorEventArgs e)
        // Custom error handling logic goes here

In this example, the CustomErrorBoundary component overrides the OnErrorOccurred method to provide custom error handling. Make sure you’re not accidentally overriding the default ErrorBoundary component with this custom implementation.

Step 4: Check the Blazor Version

Make sure you’re running the latest version of Blazor. You can check the Blazor version by running the following command in the terminal:

dotnet --version

If you’re running an outdated version, update to the latest version using the following command:

dotnet tool update -g Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates

Step 5: Check for Invalid or Malformed HTML

Invalid or malformed HTML can cause the ErrorBoundary component to not display. Use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the HTML and identify any errors or warnings. You can use the W3C HTML Validator tool to validate your HTML:

Step 6: Check for JS Interop Issues

JS interop issues can cause the ErrorBoundary component to not display. Check if you’re using any JS interop libraries or scripts that might be conflicting with the ErrorBoundary component. Try disabling or removing them to see if it resolves the issue.


Troubleshooting the ErrorBoundary component can be a challenging task, but by following these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the issue. Remember to check the placement and configuration of the ErrorBoundary component, ensure you’re not overriding it with custom error handling, and update to the latest version of Blazor. If you’re still having issues, try checking for invalid or malformed HTML, and JS interop issues. With patience and persistence, you should be able to get the ErrorBoundary component displaying correctly in your Blazor app.

Troubleshooting Step Description
Step 1: Check the Placement of the ErrorBoundary Component Make sure the ErrorBoundary component is placed correctly in your application.
Step 2: Check the Configuration of the ErrorBoundary Component Make sure the ErrorBoundary component is configured correctly.
Step 3: Check for Custom Error Handling Mechanisms Check if you have overridden the default error handling mechanism with a custom implementation.
Step 4: Check the Blazor Version Make sure you’re running the latest version of Blazor.
Step 5: Check for Invalid or Malformed HTML Check for invalid or malformed HTML that might be causing the issue.
Step 6: Check for JS Interop Issues Check for JS interop issues that might be conflicting with the ErrorBoundary component.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and get the ErrorBoundary component displaying correctly in your Blazor app. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with ErrorBoundary component issues in your Blazor App? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the problem.

Why is the ErrorBoundary component not displaying at all in my Blazor App?

Make sure you’ve added the ErrorBoundary component to the correct location in your App. It should be a top-level component, typically in the `App.razor` file, wrapping the `Router` component. If you’ve placed it elsewhere, it might not catch the errors as expected.

Is there a specific error that the ErrorBoundary component is supposed to catch?

Yes, the ErrorBoundary component only catches unhandled exceptions that occur during component rendering. If the error is handled elsewhere in your code, the ErrorBoundary won’t catch it. Ensure that the error is not being caught by a try-catch block or some other error handling mechanism.

Can I customize the error message displayed by the ErrorBoundary component?

Absolutely! You can create a custom error message by using the `Error` parameter of the ErrorBoundary component. This parameter allows you to pass a lambda expression that returns the error message to be displayed. You can even use a separate Razor component to render a custom error page.

Will the ErrorBoundary component catch errors that occur in JavaScript code?

No, the ErrorBoundary component only catches errors that occur in C# code, specifically during component rendering. Errors that occur in JavaScript code, such as those triggered by JavaScript interop calls, will not be caught by the ErrorBoundary component.

Can I use multiple ErrorBoundary components in my Blazor App?

Yes, you can use multiple ErrorBoundary components in your Blazor App, but be aware that only the innermost ErrorBoundary will catch the error. This means that if you have multiple ErrorBoundary components nested, the innermost one will take precedence.